Human Beings` Difference of Quiddity in Fakhr Razi’s Thought

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Islamic Theology – Islamic Culture and Thought Research Center


Fakhr Razi has affirmed the essential difference of human beings. The author has not found a certain definition of “quiddity” in his writings. Yet it is apparent that quiddity is inalterable. Therefore the affirmation of innate divergence of humans would mean that every single person has an inalterable and different nature from others. The fact that this sort of belief impacts all the sciences having to do with humans is axiomatic. For those involved in education, moral, law and fiqh, it is of high importance to know if they are dealing with similar humans or a body of humans with a variety of distinct natures. In this article we will enumerate Fakhr Razi’s work, presenting the innate divergence of humans using traditional and reasonable proofs.


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