Nature of Soul and Body in Sadraic Solution to Soul and Body Problematique

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Shahid Rjaei Teacher Training University

2 Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, University of Qom

3 PhD Candidate of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Shahid Rjaei Teacher Training University



The problematique on the nature of soul and body has been an axial issue in the philosophy of mind. In this research the nature of soul and body and their relation is studied in the view of Mulla Sadra which lays the groundworks of explaining Sadraic view in the problematique of the relation between soul and body.  Sadraic propositions and words are diversified and intricate to the extent that some scholars categorize his views under the union of soul and body while others hold that he believes in the distinction between them. It seems that shedding light on Sadraic meaning of soul and his consideration for different types of body play a critical role in deciphering his philosophical stance regarding this issue. This study, next to explaining triad bodies of soul from the viewpoint of Mulla Sadra, investigates the union of soul and body and collect and submit evidences to pave the way for recognizing Sadra’s adopted view on the soul and body.     
