Investigating Man's Evolution and Promotion in Paradise in the View of Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


Assitant Professor of Islamic Philosophy, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Teachings.



Human evolution after death is a divine knowing for understanding which referring to religious texts is necessary. A group of scholars believes that man can evolve only by performing deeds and divine duties. Therefore, evolution in Barzakh continues through worldly deeds which exerts lasting effects but Man seizes to evolve in the paradise due to seizure in performing deeds and duties. However, one more group hold that evolution is neither limited to a particular world nor to continuation of performing deeds. Evolution in paradise is the intuitive understanding of divine beauty by elimination of covers as the result of God’s boundless mercy and affection. The current study is intended to analyze and submit proofs for human evolution in paradise on the bases of Quranic verses and tradition, infinity of the resurrection, immateriality of graces in paradise, and divine everlasting blessing.  It is concluded that affection toward exalted being of God is the logic behind continuation of evolution in the paradise.
