The Hadith of “anyone who saw me in dream….” in the view of Mystics

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Department of Islamic Theology Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz



Learned people, in addition to placing extreme importance on dream, show especial consideration for the famous Hadith of “one who saw me in dream….” to the extent that paying visit to the prophet in dream and receiving a content from him is as valid as (and even more valid than) common hadith with authentic proofs. The dimensions and necessities for accepting this Hadith is neglected in the works of Mystics .This has generated heavy ambiguities in this regard.  Thus, in the current research, after explaining the position of this Hadith in the views of Mystics and underlining its necessities, it is answered why Satan is not permitted to enter into this kind of dream. Also, such an in-dream perception from the immaculate is compared with other kinds of dreams. Finally, worries and damages associated with trusting these dreams is briefly discussed which can lay the groundworks for conducting an in-detailed research aimed at reducing harms rather than denying the Hadith. 
