The Essential State of This Being the Same as That, Inhamani, for Human Personality in Suhrawardi and Mulla Sadra`s View

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor at Razavi University of Islamic Studies

2 Researcher at Razavi University of Islamic Studies


One of the issues that plays a role concerning legal matters, both in this and the other world (Resurrection), may be regarded as human personality state of this being the same of that, inhamani. The question follows as: what is the criterion for stability of human personality during his/her life in this world, and upon which criterion do we say that the person on the second time is the same person on the first one? Various views have been presented in this field. Having used an analytico-descriptive method, we have studied the issue regarding Suhrawardi and Mulla Sadra`s works; According to Suhrawardi, the criterion for the identity of human personality is the soul, while on Mulla Sadra's, it lies in one`s mind and body. As is understood, many of Suhrawardi's evidences fail to prove his claim and Mulla Sadra's is not free from ambiguity either.


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