Enemy As Described in the Holy Quran and in the Jewish Bible

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Quranic Sciences and Hadith – Kashan University

2 Associate Professor of Quranic Sciences and Hadith – Al Zahra University


Sacred texts are important for scholars to achieve meaning and knowledge of enemy. Enemy in religious thought can be examined and divided into different types. Regardless of the type of enemy, we can examine the characteristics of religious enemies due to their common property which is opposing Allah and His Messenger. By analyzing the characteristics of the enemies in the holly Quran and the Jewish Bible (Tanach), the first comprehensive definition of enemy can be achieved in a religious perspective, then understanding the religious thought of both religions will establish better relations between the followers of these two religions. This study, through extraction and classification of enemy’s acquisitive features in a general sense, has investigated the similarities and differences between the text of Bible and Quran in this respect. It was found that similarities in clarifying enemy’s feature in these two books are in a large scale; to the extent that except “the denial of resurrection”, as a characteristic of enemy in the Quran, both books have mentioned the same features such as arrogance, rebellion, treason, tyranny and malice. The scope Differences between the two texts is less.


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