Man`s Need to Revelation on the Basis of the Quran`s Attributes and Names in the Quran: A Case Study of Zikr, Hikmat and Mouizah

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Profesor of Quran and Hadith, Tehran University, Farabi Campus

2 Profesor in Department of Quran and Hadith, Tehran University, Farabi Campus

3 Ph.D. students of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Tehran University, Farabi Campus



Each of innate, intellectual, emotional and moral dimensions of human being has its appropriate needs. To fulfill some of these needs, man requires revelation. Analyzing names and attributes of the holy Quran sheds light on the way in which these needs are known and satisfied. In this study, the Quran`s names of zikr, hikmat and mouizah have been selected and analyzed with regard to their effects in satisfying its addressees` need. In natural dimension, man stands in need of zikr to overcome neglect and forgetfulness. In the intellectual dimension, man stands in need of wisdom to aquire the knowledge hardly attainable with regard to inherent limitations. Besides, in emotional and moral dimensions, man requires mouizah to sustain balance in decision making when excitements and inclinations affect his reason.   
