Mulla Sadra on the Barriers against Human Perfectional Process

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Department of Philosophy, Isfahan University

2 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University

3 M.A Graduate of Isfahan University



Human perfectional development is known as an established principle in philosophy. Human soul has been known as being naturally capable of upgradation and degradation and, therefore, he/she may ascend and achieve perfection of soul through knowledge and deed or fall short of perfection and descend to inferior. This paper may be taken as an attempt to study the barriers against human perfection-seeking deeds, namely those barriers challenging human perfectional motion toward final goal and real prosperity of the proximity to God and His succession. The notability of the study lies in the fact that given one`s famililiarity with the barriers, one would refrain from the obstacles of the way and move toward perfection. In the paper, the barriers including love of temporal world, Satan and his progeny, imitation, ignorance and false beliefs, faithlessness and weakness of faith have been extracted from Mulla Sadra`s works at first and, then, the quality of their effects on human perfection analyzed.  
