An Explanation of the Soul’s Intensified Voluntary Motion in Sadra’s Philosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Islamic Philosophy and Theology University of Qom

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy, , Tehran University, Farabi Campus

3 Assistant Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Qom University



Belief in intensified substantial motion in material world is one of the most fundamental bases of Sadra’s philosophical thinking according to which all creatures of the material world including human soul are in a state of motion in their essence and nature and this motion is the quality of the existence of the entity in motion and an inseparable. Due to his belief in “the power of will” in human soul and the possibility of human ability for practical reason-based actions and motions, Sadra has explained the quality of human soul’s intensified motion at the stage of humanity. Stating that human’s optional actions are targeted, Sadra adds that the actual objectives of soul’s intensification and evolution is union with active intellect. In his view, although some human beings deviate from and fail to fulfill this objective due to their bad will, the intensification of soul occurs in them through which they strengthen one of their faculties.
