Emanation and Expansion of Existence from Intellect to a Being of Intellect; Investigating the Views of Mulla Sadra

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Transcendental Wisdom, University of Isfahan

2 Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology, University of Isfahan



Sacred Grace which is expanded in the curves of ascent and descent starts from intellect and, in the turning point of the curves, arrives at the Hyles. Then the curve of ascent starts and arrives at intellectual. Human is the axis of this expansion. Man is primarily intellect and ultimately intellectual and intellect and intellectual are identical in one aspect and different from the other. This means that intellect is only one level of perfect human but intellectual is the perfect human itself and the manifestation of Allah which existentially surrounds the curves of ascent and descent. Mulla Sadra has explained the quality of grace expansion. The current research is an attempt to delve into the details of Mulla Sadra’s position on this issue.    
