Analysis of theoretical and philosophical foundations of theories of human resource development and its comparative comparison With the teachings of the religion of Islam

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD in Human Resource Management, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran



Today, the development of human resources is the focus of progress and development of societies and organizations. Therefore, throughout the ages, various concepts and approaches have been introduced around learning theories in order to realize and institutionalize employee development. Approaches that differ from each other in various aspects such as the wisdom of theoretical and philosophical principles as well as implementation mechanisms. These theories are often in accordance with the conditions and ecology of the countries of origin, therefore, their implementation in other countries has often resulted in different results. A challenge that has many examples in the development and training system of executive bodies and the private sector of the country. In such a situation, knowledge and awareness of the differences and commonalities of the theories of this field and its adaptation to the values ​​and conditions governing the society is a necessary condition for the localization and application of such theories in organizations. Therefore, in this research, analyzing the theoretical and philosophical foundations of human resource development theories and adapting it to the teachings of Islam is the main goal of the research. In this article, after analyzing the concepts and theories in the field of human resources development, using verses, traditions and religious texts, in the six main factors of looking at human beings, human nature, focusing on time, determinism and free will, objectivism/relativism and totality. Negri / Juz Negri the mentioned theories were compared with the teachings of the religion of Islam. The results show that the Islamic model for the development of human resources as a realistic and valuable guide for the managers of the country can help them overcome the challenges ahead in the development of human resources.
