The religious-philosophical analysis of "swelling of the soul" in humans from the point of view of Javadi Amuli and Jafari

Document Type : Research Paper


1 2. Associate Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.

2 Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.



One of the issues that has an impact in the field of anthropology and resurrection is the soul, which is expressed in several verses of the Holy Quran with various interpretations. One of these interpretations is found in the verse "Nafakhtu Fiehe Min Roohi". About the contents and important philosophical points in this verse, Muslim thinkers have provided numerous analyzes and interpretations. The present article aims to examine the views of Javadi Amuli and Jafari regarding the honorable verse "Nafakhtu Fiehe Min Roohi". In this sense, by descriptive-analytical method, we analyze, examine and compare the views of two thinkers on the nature of the infusing of the soul, the reference of the pronoun "Fieh", reason the soul is added to God in the phrase " Roohi " and the relationship between life and soul in the Qur'an. This research finally shows that these two viewpoints regarding the reference of the pronoun "Fieh" and the truth of swelling of the soul and life are similar, but regarding the origin of creation (evolution theory) and analysis of adding the soul to God are different.
