On the Role of Moral Values in the Existential Evolution of Man in the Views of Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Islamic Ethics, Islamic Maaref University, Qom, Iran

2 PhD Candidate of Islamic Ethics, Islamic Maaref University, Qom, Iran



Aimed at understanding the role of moral values in the existential evolution of Man, the current study adopted a descriptive-analytical method for investigating thoughts of Ayatullah Javadi Amoli. It was revealed that this scholar denies a monistic view of existence for human soul and believe that soul undergoes existential evolution in the light of moral values. He also believes that moral virtue and moral vice cross the threshold of human essence (nature) rather than affecting it. Thus, these are moral values (virtues or vices) that actualize the specific creational life of Man as well as his eternal life which might be consistent or inconsistent with his creational life. Though Man in the realm of nature is subject to change, evolution is not limited to his substantial dimension and his essence is also open to evolution. Both virtuous and wicked actions affect substantial and inherent dimension of human existence and – dependent upon some conditions such as free will as the last constituent of a complete cause –  determine the eternal life of Man.                    
